Stryker Fellowship Program

Stryker values the important and traditional contribution fellowships make to surgeon training to ensure good surgical outcomes and the proper use of medical technology products.

Quality education and training of health care professionals and their experience in medical research plays a critical role in furthering patient care and in the advancement of medical technology, treatments and knowledge. Stryker values the important and traditional contribution fellowships make to surgeon training to ensure good surgical outcomes and the proper use of medical technology products.

Stryker is committed to supporting appropriate surgeon training and anticipates that it will make available for application several Fellowship grants in 2026 across the following categories:

  • Adult hip and knee arthroplasty and arthroscopy

Fellowship programs associated with an academic institution or not for profit organisation are invited to apply for a Stryker Fellowship grant. Orthopaedic programs must be accredited by the Australian Orthopaedics Association (AOA) to be eligible. Non-orthopaedic programs must demonstrate that they reflect quality standards equivalent to AOA accredited programs as specified in the application to be eligible.

Stryker encourages support of Bona Fide Fellowship programs, so long as they are solicited, approved, paid and documented appropriately, they are not used or intended as an inducement to purchase or lease any facility, service or item, or for any other improper purpose. Please be aware that as part of the review process, our committee will look at any pending tenders or contracts that may go against the abovementioned principles of the Stryker Fellowship grant process. The Institution will be solely responsible for the selection of any Fellow under the Fellowship Program and warrants that its Fellowship Program includes a process for impartial selection of Fellows. 

Applications for 2026 grants close on 1 March 2025.

All applications will be reviewed against criteria and allocation of fellowship funding determined by an independent fellowship grant review board. See below for the Fellowship review criteria and to download an application form. The number of Fellowship grants available is subject to change annually. Due to the popularity of the program, only one Fellowship application can be submitted per supervisor per year.

Timeline for 2026 Stryker Fellowship Grants:

2025 (for 2026 funding period)

Feb 1, 2025: Public Announcement
Mar 1, 2025: Applications close for 2026
Oct 1, 2025: Recipient institutions notified 

Fellowship review criteria

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